воскресенье, 8 ноября 2009 г.

Best Way to Consolidate All of Your Debt

Debt Consolidation loans are various sorts of credit types that you are able to use in order to consolidate your debt. There are several different types of loans out there that will allow you to consolidate your debt in different sorts of ways. These ways include second mortgage debt consolidation loans, such as a home equity line of credit home loan, or cash out refinance debt consolidation loan, or even a credit card balance transfer is available to help consolidate debt that you have built up over a period of time.

There are common mistakes that you can try and avoid when you are trying to consolidate your debts. Firstly of you should always shop for a particular lender and not for a certain type of loan. The quality of the loan that you end up with depends squarely upon how trust worthy the company you choose is. You should always look at their history up front in order to make certain that they have quite a few happy customers that go back several years. This enables you to be certain that the company you go with has a long history of helping individuals that are in the same situation as yourself.

You should try and avoid the unknown debt consolidation companies and try to stick with companies that are fairly large and reputable in nature. While this could go against your instinct to hunt for the best particular deal, this is done in order to be sure that you do not become just another statistic. Lots of people that have problems with their debt and need help consolidating are usually seen as the most vulnerable towards people that are looking to take advantage of their respective situations. A larger and more known company usually has a fairly comprehensive financial regulation behind it. They are unable to take the risk of ripping people off without damaging their reputations as a result. It is bad business for them in the short run and even the long run. They are likely to have a lot of ways to make sure that it is a safe thing for you and that you will also be treated fairly.

While debt consolidation is an excellent way to reduce the amount of outstanding bills that you needed to pay or even lower the interest rates of your current bills or perhaps even to get some tax relief from it. Just like anything else in life though, you should be careful not to over do it though. You should not at all use debt consolidation to get yourself out of debt because you have over spent and then continue to over spend. This will not help you at all in the long run or the short run. Additionally, you should not pay off the debt that has you paying off the debt that has lower interest than the loan consolidation is even worth to you. It is also important not to deplete your home equity continually so that you do not leave yourself with assets available in the case of an emergency as it will lower your standard of living years down the line when you will eventually need it.

By utilizing debt consolidation you are capable of relief from your current budget. It will allow you to bring down your current monthly payments on your debt and to as a result have more cash available in order to spend on other things that you may need. Not only this, but some of the options available to you will also allow you to get some tax benefits in the process.

Just like most things however, there are some drawbacks to debt consolidation that you should be aware of before going about it. These loans tend to carry some risks and you need to be completely honest with yourself in order to avoid getting trapped in by it. If you end up taking out another loan you need to make sure that you stick with it, or else you could very well end up going even further into debt and hurting yourself. To succeed you need to make certain that you change the spending habits and budgeting that got you into the situation you are in to begin with. A lot of these types of debt consolidation loans will make it so that you will be paying off the loan for a longer period of time so even with the benefits of it and how it can help you out, over a period of time your cost of the loan may exceed what your current debt is as a result of it. You also need to be careful not to empty out the assets of your home equity as you may need that cash in a pinch one day.

Following these simple steps can allow you to take advantage of debt consolidation and to be a step ahead of the game so to speak. Take a close look at your options for you are the consumer, it is always best to shop around for the best deal and to weigh your options carefully. Debt consolidation is designed to help those individuals that have piled on a fair bit of debt to relieve the burden of multiple bills and to allow them to focus on budgeting and managing their lives. Debt consolidation can help anyone that is looking to get back on the path of financial freedom if they are able to have the wisdom to stick to it.

Bad Credit Cash Advance Payday Loans in UK

Bad Credit Payday Loans is the right option when you have bankruptcy history or bad credit rating and you need urgent cash. It is a simple payday loan but especially meant for people who are not allowed to borrow money just due to low credit score. Bad credit payday loans play a very important role in the loan market of UK due to its increasing demand by the borrowers of zero credit rating or bad credit history.

No credit check is required for bad credit payday loans by the payday lenders in UK. The loan provider only ensures about your ability to make the loan repayment. People with bad credit history are now eligible for bad credit payday loans. You are supposed to have a regular job with stable income and a checking account in a bank in UK. You must be at least 18 years of age to be eligible for bad credit payday loan. Your ability to make the repayment could be verified by your employer and your running account. 

A bad credit payday loan is nothing but a cash advance that is borrowed for small repayment period of 14 to 21 days. The loan amount has to be returned on the next payday. The rate of interest for bad credit payday loans is slightly higher than the other available loans in the market. So many reasons are there for higher interest rates including:
1. Credit score is not considered for bad credit payday loan.
2. If compared with other conventional loans, the payday loan processing is fast.
3. Online availability provides you comfort of applying the loan from home.

Bad credit payday loans are approved with in the same day. The processing does not take more than 24 hours to complete. You just have to submit your information online and the lender will do the rest. Once your application for bad credit payday loan is approved, you will be intimated and the loan amount will be transferred into your checking account with in next working day. You can resolve your financial crunches with bad credit payday loan amount. This cash could be used in paying your pending bills, medical expenses, home renovation, car repair or you can use this to fulfill any of your personal need. 

The repayment of bad credit payday loans is very easy and convenient. The loan amount will automatically be deducted from your bank account at the time of next payday. If you are running short of funds in your account, you can extend the payday date by paying some nominal fee to the payday lender. 

Before applying Bad credit payday loan in UK you should compare the quotes from various loan providers available online on the Internet. This way you can get competitive rates and easy repayment schedule with the fee structure. The borrowers are advised to pay the loan amount within the time frame to avoid late payment fee.

People can borrow bad credit payday loan easily in UK. You need not to worry about the bad credit history to get the loan approved. Bad credit personal loans are also available in the market for your comfort. The lenders do not require any credit check for Bad credit payday loans in UK.

Taking Control of Your Credit

You're found the house of your dreams, made an offer and now it's time to head on down to the bank. What goes on in that visit will determine if you're able to make your dream become a reality. If so, at what price will it cost you?

Having a good credit history in today's economy is vital. Banks have made it harder than ever before to qualify and purchase a home. Ensuring your credit rating is on the right path will open numerous financial doors for you and your family.

The ideal situation would be to not wait until you are sitting in the banker's chair with your palms sweating. Get online and look at your credit score before hand. See if there is anything that needs your attention. Unpaid bills, late payments, high credit card balances can all contribute in dragging that credit score down. This can result in higher interest rates for your loan, or ultimately getting no loan at all. Make the calls necessary to get your score cleared up and back on track. 

There are 3 major reporting agencies that financial institutions will pull from. Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax can all result in different readings. That's why it is crucial to check each one of them for discrepancies. You are entitled to a credit reading each year at no cost. Even so, shelling out for a credit reading is a small price to pay when it comes to buying a home. Do whatever it takes to make sure you are the driver behind the wheel of your credit. 

After you're exhausted all your resources for bringing up your credit score, you can confidently walk into the bank. You now are fully aware of your financial situation and have done everything possible to secure good standing. Sure it may take a little work on your part, but keep in mind by doing so you are building a bridge that will lead to your new home. 

Different Ways of Debt Consolidation

These days there are a lot of different ways for individuals to get themselves out of debt. Debt consolidation is probably the best thing that any one person that finds themselves in debt can do for them to ensure a bright financial future. One fixed monthly payment on a strict schedule can allow you to budget accordingly and actually see an end to the monthly payments.

Using a credit card is actually a good way to get yourself out of debt if you have a good credit rating believe it or not. If you have a good credit rating you could get a much lower rate then you would get from other types of consolidation loans. Since a credit card does not require you to have collateral up front, you are not risking too much by using this method. If you have credit card debt, you should call up potential new card companies and find out how much it would run to you transfer your current outstanding balance over to theirs along with what rates of interest you would receive. If you can get a fixed rate of interest you will be well off and be sure that they will waive any wire transfer fees from you if you go about this. 

If you are unable to get yourself a low rate of interest with your current credit card company try others, but be careful because too many different types of applications to credit institutions can have a negative impact on your credit profile. When you do consolidate this way, you should be certain to set up the best possible payment plan for it so that you can be debt free in three to five years time.

When you use a home equity loan you are able to borrow against the value of your home without any other mortgages. There are a couple of different types of home equity loans which are the standard home equity loan which you can get a fixed amount of finances for a fixed period of time and a home equity line of credit where you are able to borrow up against the value of your home if you still have cash available for it. These loans in and of itself can offer you a low rate and low payments; the interested is also typically tax deductible if you go about it the correct way.

There is also the cash out refinancing option when you refinance your home. This allows you to take out money to pay off some bills and is just another way of being able to tap into the equity that you have retained on your home. If you are able to refinance at a lower rate that you had you can in turn reduce or just all together remove the higher interest costs that you have on the debts that you are paying off and you could even come out with an even lower payment than you have right now since the rates are so low at this moment in time. 

Another option to consider is an interest only loan in that you can lower you monthly payments to free up some cash in order to pay down the debt you have accrued elsewhere. Be certain that you understand how much the cost of refinancing is, that way you can take any money that you free up and apply it to pay down other debt that you may have and save the rest for a rainy day.

The typical debt consolidation loan is a type of unsecured personal loan where the only collateral that you have to offer the lender is yourself. Since lenders consider these loans to be fairly risky in nature they tend to be a bit more expensive then the other options and is not the easiest things to get yourself if you happen to have acquired a fair amount of debt. If the interest rate is a bit too high for you and makes it not worth it then you should probably consider another type of consolidation route to go with. If the term is adequate then you could actually save some good cash when all is said and done so be sure to calculate how much everything will cost you before you take any action.

There is credit counseling companies out there that can help you get out of debt even though they do not physically consolidate all of your debt. Instead of consolidation, they will set up payment plans for you to lower your interest rates on your current debts. You will make a single lump sum payment each month to the service and they in turn will pay off all of your current creditors. Going about this sort of service will not usually hurt your credit so long as you pay on time each month and never falter. If you stick with it you can be debt free within three to five years.

The debt settlement option is becoming a lot more popular with people that have a lot of debt and are considering bankruptcy. You would have to stop paying your bills so that they default and as a result a debt settlement company would negotiate a lower lump sum payment to pay your creditors off with. Instead of them getting nothing by risking you going bankrupt, they allow you to pay off this lower balance so that they can be sure that they get something out of it. As a result you end up paying fifty percent or even sometimes lower, of your outstanding balance to them. Using one of these programs can get you out of debt within two years if you also stick to it. It is not a perfect solution as your credit rating will suffer during the short run but this can be easily fixed in the future when you have climbed out of the debt that you are in now.

Consolidation of your bills is not always the easiest thing to accomplish. In reality, if you happen to have a lot of debts, it can be pretty difficult to find yourself a debt consolidation loan at a fairly low interest rate, and if you are not careful you could end up getting even further and further in debt than when you had originally started. The goal of getting your debt consolidated should be to lower the overall costs of your outstanding debt. There a couple of things to keep in mind when trying to do this which involve getting the lowest possible interest rate you can on your loans, and make sure that you have a plan in place to get your debts paid off within three to five years time.

The biggest mistake that a lot of people make when trying to consolidate your debt is to not have a solid plan for paying off the debt after they have consolidated all of their debt and to of course never take action. If you wait for the perfect solution to come along you will just get yourself into a lot more debt trouble. It is very important to get your debt solution going immediately if you want to have the future of your finances looking bright. Explore your options and take a look at the different companies out there before deciding to do anything. It will be worth it when you are able to get the high priced item you need in the future.

Car Finance Basics

There happens to be a lot of different things that people do no understand when it comes to getting yourself a new vehicle whether it is through leasing it or buying it, it still requires some information to know how it really does work. The thing that you should keep in mind the most is that a car dealership does not typically finance a car lease or a loan but in turn they will most definitely have some sort of impact on how much you will end up paying on your car financing.

One good thing to keep in mind is that a car dealership will always sell you a vehicle for cash in hand. These people are third party businesses that have purchased a franchise from one or multiple different car makers in order to sell the vehicles. They do not work for these car makers and always work for themselves. It is important to realize that the dealers buy these cars themselves usually through the use of a very large loan through a bank or another type of financial institution and as a result they are also charged rates of interest on these car loans. They then need to sell the cars off in order to pay off their initial loans as well as all of the other associated costs that come with running a car dealership.

Dealers will always get cash for a vehicle that they sell to someone, it could either come from the consumer himself, or some other financial institution that has loaned out the finances to a consumer in order to purchase the vehicle of their choice through an auto loan. People are usually under the misconception that they will be able to get a discount or a better deal if they pay for a vehicle in cash but this is not the case because they in fact will make more from raised interest rates and commissions if you go about financing the vehicle itself.

When a car dealership sells a vehicle to a consumer he will usually push onto them the typical bank or financial institution that they have working with them in order to get their financing settled. A lot of these dealerships will use some of the more well known and major financial institutions that have special deals with the car makers if you do not already have one and you would be paying an additional premium for that luxury. As a consumer however, you have the ability to bring on your own auto financing company if you would like to. The point of stating this is to make it perfectly clear to you that a car dealership does not finance a loan to a consumer at all. They will not process the loans or even take payments on the loans themselves, all they will do is take the application papers that you fill out and will try to arrange some sort of financing with companies that they usually work with for a small fee.

Now a dealer could go about checking your credit history, but this is not for the purposes of getting you the consumer a car or vehicle loan, but is done in order to figure out quickly whether or not the consumer would even be capable of getting a vehicle or if they have any serious credit issues that are currently outstanding. The dealer is not the financial institution and is unable to approve you the consumer for a loan. The financial institution that the dealership forwards your filled out application to will do their own set of credit history checks as well as check out your past payment history and your overall debt to income ratio. This check is a lot better done then what a dealer could possibly do so if you happen to have a dealer check out your credit and tell you that you are alright, they really may not have any idea at all so keep this in mind as well.

When the financial institution is done checking out your credit worthiness you will be classified in one of three types which are prime, near prime, and sub prime. Prime means that you have a great credit profile and have a higher score usually above six hundred and eighty, as a result of this you will be offered the best possible interest rates on your loan. Near prime usually will fall around the six hundred and twenty to the six hundred eighty mark and will usually mean that you could pay as much as four or so percent more then someone that has a prime score. If you happen to be below that and are considered to be sub prime then you are going to have some issues with finding a lending institution that will be willing to give you a auto loan and when you do end up finding a good one the rate of interest you will be paying is going to be very high.

You should also be aware that a car dealership has the ability to change the rate of interest that you would be paying on your car loan. One of the types of hidden fees that some shady car dealerships will try to include to consumers when they purchase or lease a vehicle is to mark it up so that your interest rate is increased regardless of your good credit score. This sort of markup can go up as much as two percent on your overall rate of interest and this particular markup of your interest rate will never be mentioned on any document that you would ever be signing. The car dealership will say that this increase can be considered justifiable because it helps them cover the cost of getting the consumer the financing they need but it is just additional profit or is used to make up for something they may have given to you somewhere else in the car deal. The most a car dealership is legally allowed to mark up your interest rate is by two and a half percent.

Something that a lot of people will ask when they go about getting a new car or vehicle is whether or not they are able to negotiate for their own rate of interest. In a lot of these situations you will not be able to negotiate the base rate of interest that a lending institution gives to you but you will be able to try and haggle down the markup that a car dealership tries to give to you. You should know that though some car dealerships practice this shady act not all of them take part in it. You should also realize that the better credit profile that you have the better rate of interest you will receive over all from the financial institution. So knowing what your credit profile looks like and shopping around on the internet is of the best things you can do for yourself before even ever walking into a car dealership.

Even if a car dealership does check your credit it really does not matter and this is a mistake that most people think occurs. Just because they said it looks good on their end it does not mean it is a done deal for you. When a consumer buys or leases a new vehicle with a car finance they will usually sign papers that state that they agree to purchase the vehicle using funds that are provided to them through a financing company and if they are not approved by the company the deal itself is considered nulled and voided unless they are able to secure another way of financing. Once this is done the car dealership is in no way again involved in the monthly repayment of the loan itself and is no longer responsible for it.

If you happen to have poor credit and come across problems trying to get approved for a vehicle because of your past payment history or debt to income ratio there are still a couple of things that you can do in order to get yourself that car of your dreams. Often times a co signer will allow you to get a vehicle without much of a problem. Other times a financial institution will ask for a large down payment to off set the high amount of risk that you have shown to them through your credit history. This will usually allow you to keep the same monthly payments while having the overall cost of the vehicle to go up. Even if a dealer lets you drive away with the car if the bank or financial company comes back to them denying the loan application the vehicle still will legally belong to them and they will require you to return it regardless of anything that you could have signed originally.

So when it comes down to it you should always know what your personal credit profile and score is before even walking into a car dealership just to make sure that you will not be startled when something goes down later on. The next thing you should do is to shop around for a good car finance that is flexible for all situations online before going into a car dealership so that you are prepared with money in hand in order to make sure that the car you are buying is yours and not the dealers. There are many different places to do this online and getting multiple quotes from different companies will allow you to find the best possible deal regardless of your credit history and situation.

If you have credit problems, repossession, bankruptcy, slow pays or are a first time buyer and in need of Car Lenders in USA. The car finance company offers the opportunity to buy a car on credit when you have been refused credit in the past. So, whatever the reasons - bad credit or no credit or bankruptcy, there is a good chance we can help you!

Amazon's Best Investment Book Reviews: Have You Been Brainwashed?

Most popular investment books are published for the already rich and famous, by an industry that has become just too good at the business of selling books. Rarely will a publisher take a chance with the work of an unknown author. Certainly, it's a no brainer to sell a Jim Cramer, Peter Lynch, Robert Kiyosaki, or Maria Bartiromo effort while a uniquely new approach to solving the puzzles of Wall Street, presented by an unknown writer or commentator, requires some major financial risk. 

Big publishers want to sell already big names; discovering new ones is not in their wheelhouse. Are they responsible for the problems in the financial markets? Of course not, but they do have a perverse, if indirect, impact. By constantly publishing the same Wall Street friendly message, they contribute to the brainwashing.

Without a wider distribution of new ideas based on old wisdom, Wall Street as usual remains Wall Street as usual and the average investor remains uninformed and ill advised about the dangers of the financial markets. The biggest investment mistake generators are cleverly ignored by most of the books I've read about investing--- even compounded.

The new generation focus on calendar year instead of market cycle performance; the worship of portfolio market value alone, for all securities, even those purchased solely for income production; the use of gimmicks and products instead of securities for portfolio development; the acceptance of speculations as acceptable, "alternative" investments.

Appreciating the differences between investing and speculating, and learning what to expect from your securities in cyclical markets are things that investors must learn about. Have you been brainwashed? These 15 Amazon members are learning to think outside the Wall Street box, without any help (or investment) from publishers:

1) Super Investing Book: I've read a bunch of books on investing and money management, and this is the best, BY FAR!!!!! It's so good, and refreshing, that I've read it twice. (R. Q. A., Bryan, Texas)

2) Back to Basics: This is an eye-opening and intelligent book, which at once offers an analysis of the investment industry and a practical guide for non-professional investors--- a clear set of economic principles mixed with clear commonsensical advice. The author--- describes how to benefit from the ups and downs. Great book. (Professor P. W., Jerusalem, Israel)

3) The Best Investment Book I Have Ever Read: For skittish investors such as me, [the] unique Working Capital Model reduces the emotional factor by taking the emphasis off market value and focusing on growth of working capital. I implemented and followed the trading strategy myself. You would do well to buy this book and read it two or three times. It will save you [from] a lifetime of mistakes that come from following conventional wisdom. (D. J. F., Peoria, IL)

4) Easy to Understand, Even for Non-Investors: This book seems to be much easier to understand than the stock market trading systems advertised on TV. (P. L., Manchester, CT)

5) Happy User: You can take this system to heart--- and to the bank. It works for me. (L. J., Phoenix, AZ)

6) Unique Advice that Stands Out From the Crowd: This is one of two [books] that stand out. Besides being written in an entertaining and irreverent style, it has immensely practical advice. Focus on making money on the market's inherent volatility vs. trying to guess what's next. Saves a lot of time and appears to work. (C. M. Rakes, Annandale, VA)

7) An Enlightened Self-Managed Investor: Not only did I identify many many mistakes that I had made thru the years, but the logical approach outlined [in the book] has to make sense to anybody who has tried to get meaningful portfolio guidelines for future investments tailored to individual needs. Great Book! (A. C., West Palm Beach, FL)

8) Right on the Money: I didn't want to put the book down until I was through. [The] trading strategy is refreshing information that should make a lot of people a lot of money with less risk. (D. M., SC) 

9) Investing Made Successful: I heard [the Author] on a talk-radio program and was intrigued by the premise of the book. After reading it, I'm convinced. I'm migrating from mutual funds to individual, high quality equities. [The book] was a slap in the face to make me stop my destructive investing habits. (G. P., Colorado Springs, CO) 

10) What a Great Read: This is really an incredible book--- [it] has incorporated very creative insight with some highly original thinking to produce one of the best "investing manuals" ever written. I wholeheartedly endorse this book! ("Jointhefreedom", NM) 

11) Courage To Go Against the Pack: The [book] is written in an exciting, enthusiastic, fast moving, style that reads like a novel. Should I ever venture into the stock market, it will be with this book. (S. M., Virginia Beach, VA) 

12) L-O-N-G Overdue Investment Strategy Advice: I've long been skeptical of the generic advice handed down to me by advisors over the past--- I don't know any wealthy people who do this. Well now I have a frame of reference for my doubts about the system and a simple plan to take control of my investments. (B. S., Vancouver, BC, Canada)

13) A Must Read To Save Your Money From the Sharks: Written in a conversational style with plenty of humor, this book gives you the questions and answers you need to keep and increase monies that are being put away for retirement. I have purchased three books already and am purchasing five more to give to friends and relatives--- (R. M., San Jose, CA)

14) Brainwashing of the American Investor: Finally the truth! What an eye-opener to see how the markets, and the people behind the markets, have manipulated the average investor over the years. I highly recommend [this] book for your next financial read. (A. J. L., Ft. Pierce, FL)

15) Profit Like a Trader; Sleep Like an Investor: The technique or strategy presented is almost a "why didn't I think of that?" The idea is to run your portfolio the same way you would run a business---not a get-rich-quick kind of plan. You just focus on the essential measures of quality. The key is to maintain your plan during the slow times and reign in your greed during the boom times. (P. G., Moon Township, PA)

Today's publishing industry has a no-risk attitude, and those that are brave enough to deal with new authors are intimidated by the full-return guarantee demands of the bookstores. Stuck in the middle with no choice, most new authors must turn to self-publishing.

The reviews above describe a book that Wall Street wants to keep in the closet, an educational and strategic breakthrough that would have allowed most investors to avoid the bubbles and derivatives that caused our current financial woes. There are probably others--- below the 200-level in all Amazon's best categories.

Last Bank Standing - The Wall Street Mega-Crash

Dateline Washington, October 19th (get it?) 2010: the Peoples Bank & Trust of America has now established itself as the only bank of any kind in the USA, totally owned and managed by the US House of Representatives. A 2/3 majority must now approve all investment banking transactions; your district representative's staff reviews individual mortgage applications; and all 401(k), IRA, and remaining employer pension assets have been rolled into the Social Security Slush Fund.

Only federal and state elected officials are exempt from the 45% all purpose Income Tax. The estimated time to bring new companies public is 4.5 years; all individual account dividends and interest are paid directly into your IRS "grabber" account; CEO's salaries are limited to 50% of the amount paid to a first year congressman, and any government budget shortfalls are withdrawn from corporate earnings before any corporate obligations can be dealt with.

All employees receive the federal mandated minimum wage, except senior executives who are limited as mentioned above. Scary? This is a scenario that could play out if Congress (or the SEC) does not come to the rescue of the credit markets. You missed your opportunity to help stop it, but chances are a fix is on its way.

How many more businesses, jobs, and hopes will be killed by this irresponsible Congress? When will the average blogger realize that when a corporation fails, we all suffer? One would think that the informed and enlightened could take time out from their texting for a little research and education. Instead, they show their power by influencing public opinion numbers and the marshmallow politicians who worship them. As economist Irwin Kellner and I have pointed out, this is no bailout and we are not nearly approaching a recession.

Kellner's September 28th Market Watch article points out ten major differences between now and then: (1) In 1929, the DJIA plunged 40% in two months vs. around 30% in about a year. (2) In 1933, the jobless rate was 33% vs. 6% today. (3) The GDP shrank 25% then, but has increased 6% now. (4) Consumer prices actually fell 30% then but haven't ever since.

(5) Home prices dropped 30% then, but only 16% from the recent bubbly highs. (6) 40% of all mortgages were in default then vs. only 4% now. (7) 9,000 banks failed in the 1930s compared with just 25 or so (bigger and broader based ones) recently. (8) The Federal Reserve reduced the money supply, (9) raised interest rates, and (10) raised taxes on foreign imports. 

Further, Kellner points out, we now have automatic stabilizers, deposit insurances, and market trading restrictions as protective elements. Today's Congress however, has never been good at connecting dots, has accomplished nothing under an unpopular president, and is ignoring its role as the primary creative force in today's problems. This transfusion is needed because: bad laws have obscured the values on financial institution balance sheets, and have created a clot in the credit arteries that keep the economy alive.

Educate yourselves on the Accounting Rule's that require institutions to book paying assets at pennies on the dollar. Find out why institutions are afraid to loan money to one another--- over night, at any rate of interest--- strangling the credit markets. 

Doing nothing is killing jobs, killing companies, and deferring retirements for those who were counting on 401(k) and IRA dollars to provide them with income. Congress, of course has an old-fashioned pension plan, so it is unaffected by such financial realities.

Investigate the relaxation of lending standards that Congress orchestrated over the past few administrations, before blaming the companies that then extended credit to many speculators and other buyers who falsified application papers. Learn how the SEC was prohibited from regulating the CDOs and other multiple-leveraged credit market speculations. There are as many culprits outside the corporate executive suite as in it.

Congress is bursting with pride over bringing some of the Rich and Famous to their knees, and capping some of their obscene compensation arrangements at still shareholder pillaging levels. I've spoken often about how these salaries need to be controlled. But the multi-level-mortgage-marketing schemes that Congress encouraged must be unbundled somehow, and a buy out is the proper vehicle.

Congress has punished the entire world with its attack on Wall Street, and both parties are to blame. Representatives of the states listed below voted "no" to the credit transfusion, causing death and destruction that, in many instances, cannot be recouped. We have to replace them with better decision makers, representatives who can think in economic terms when they have to. 

The number and letter code after the state designation indicates the number of representatives and their party: AL-1R, AK-1R, AZ-4D4R, CA-15D9R, CO-2D2R, CT-1D, FL-1D13R, GA-4D7R, HI-2D, ID-1R, IL-4D5R, IN-3D3R, IA-1D2R, KS-1D2R, KY-2D2R, LA-2D3R, ME-1D, MD-2D1R, MA-3D, MI-3D6R, MN-2D2R, MS-3D, MO-2D3R, MT-1R, NE-3R, NV-1D1R, NH-2D, NJ-3D4R, NM-1D1R, NY-3D1R, NC-3D5R, OH-3D7R, OK-3R, OR-3D, PA-3D7R, SC-1R, SD-1D, TN-1D4R, TX-8D14R, UT-1D1R, VT-1D, VA-1D5R, WA-1D3R, WV-1R, WI-1D2R (Names withheld, but available from the author.)

On Friday evening, candidates Obama and McCain gave their support to the Capital infusion, but neither bothered to explain why--- a huge audience was ready to soak up the information. Over the weekend, both attended meetings to support the plan and to generate support from their respective parties. 

Is there enough time left to find a hero?